Rethinking and Innovating Statistics for Extremes
[Bando MIUR PRIN 2022 - Italy]
The research project aims to rethink the current approaches for extreme value analysis, inspired by the distance between the mathematical assumptions underlying classical extreme value theory and the behavior of real-world processes. These extensions will rely on combining modern statistical alternatives to classical extreme value theory. In particular we will employ Bayesian and frequentist nonparametric and semiparametric methods, extending their use in the field of extreme value statistics. The project team is composed by experts in the theory and application of extreme value statistics and applied statistics in . Ca' Foscari University of Venice and University of Padova. By combining the team's diverse expertise we aim to rethink the practice of the statistical analysis of extremes. The project is funded by the Italian Minister for University and Research (MUR) as a NextGenerationEU PRIN 2022 project. .
The project aims to rethink the statistical analysis of extremes based on classical extreme value theory, which makes very stringent assumptions on the properties of the process under investigation.
The project will explore the use of flexible approaches to overcome the restrictive assumptions of classical Extreme value models, leveraging the teams' expertise in Bayesian and frequentist non-parametric models, mixture distributions and multivariate extreme.
The research team has strong experience in the development of advanced statistical methods in the context of natural hazards and hydro-climatological risk. All methods developed within the project will be released as open-source code to facilitate the uptake of the methodologies by applied scientists.
Congratulations to the Rise post-doc Paolo Onorati who has been awarded the runner up prize for the best thesis in Statistics by the Italian Statistical Society. May this be the first of many prizes!
Congratulations to the Rise post-doc Dáire Healy whose paper Inference for extreme spatial temperature events in a changing climate with application to Ireland (with J. Tawn, P. Thorne and A. Parnell) has been read as a discussion paper in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C).
The first postdoctoral position @ University of Venice is officially open: see here for details and for applying. The position is initially for 18 months. Annual Salary is approx 29K/year which should result in about 2000€/month after taxation.
We are going to open two post-doctoral research fellowship in statistics one at the University of Venice and one at the University of Padova. If you are interested, please drop a message to
The research project RISE - Rethinking and Innovating Statistics for Extremes has been funded by MUR! More info in the following months!
Principal Investigator
Associate Prof. of Statistics
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Padova Unit lead
Associate Prof. of Statistics
University of Padova
Associate Prof. of Statistics
Ca' Foscari University of Venice